Messier 6 and surroundings


The main object of this widefield image is the well-known open star cluster Messier 6, also known as the Butterfly Cluster due to its shape. The star cluster appears to lie clearly in front of the opaque dark clouds that surround it. Another open star cluster is located right next to M6, it is NGC 6416. Other star clusters are NGC 6383, which is also responsible for the emission of the large gas nebula, and the small NGC 6374, clearly reddened slightly to the right of NGC 6383. Another golden star cluster is NGC 6404.
The huge HII region is RCW 132.
In the upper left of the image is a small nebula, cataloged as GN 17.42.0. In Simbad the object is cataloged as a refexion nebula, but it is clearly an emission nebula. Another entry in the vicinity of this nebula in Simbad is the HII region GAL 357.51-01.44. Also suspicious, however, is WR 101, a Wolf Rayet star located right next to the nebula.
Two PNe are visible in the image. One was cataloged by Terzan as Terz N 23, but cataloged as a possible globular cluster. Ratag, Pottasch, Zijlstra and Menzies finally identified the object as a PN under the entry PN RPZM 36.
Another interesting object is PN M1-27 , which is listed in the Simbad database as a Wolf Rayet Candidate.
Finally, WR 94 should be mentioned, which in my opinion already forms a small nebula.

Image Details

Telescope Optics
Takahashi FSQ106ED


ZWO ASI2400MC pro

Bayer Matrix DuoNarrowband

Integration Time
107 x 300s RGB
33 x 300s HaOIII

5th of July to 11th of July 2024

Excellent Sky Conditions


Object Details

Type of Object
Open Cluster


Kiripotib Guestfarm Namibia