Gear and Equipment
Telescopes I used in the past where a GSO 200/800 newtonian. I worked with a Takahashi FC100 (not my own) for several months until I got my first real APO, a TMB 80/600 which was one of the best optics I ever owned. Currently i´m shooting with a Takahashi FSQ106ED and a Takahashi Epsilon 130ED.
Takahashi FSQ106ED
My Dream Telescope for years. It took a while until I found my version. I buyed a used one a couple of years ago, which was totally decollimated (and collimating such a telescope design is almost impossible) so I gave it back to the dealer. Bought a second one in used condition, and it turned out this one had some problems as well. So I send it to Takahashi in Japan and they fixed the problems. Unfurtunately this one was stolen in 2015. So in 2016 I bought the third one which was selected by my favorite dealer.

Takahashi FSQ 106ED – 520mm focal length f/5 (could be used with a reducer at 320mm focal length f/3)

Takahashi Epsilon 130ED – 430mm focal length f/3
Takahashi Epsilon 130ED
When I started astrophotography in the early 2000s, the Tak Epsilon was something I took an eye on, but it simply was too expensive back then. Takahashi discontinued the Epsilon series until it was redesigned in the mid 2010s. Today this is my portable work horse with its very fast aspect ratio.
Canon EOS 6D and EOS R
In 2015 I buyed my first Full Frame DSLR a Canon EOS 6D, which opened a whole new world to (daylight) photography for me. In 2019 it was followed by a mirrorless EOS R. The cameras are completed by a bunch of lenses, mostly Sigma Art lenses as well, as some Canon L lenses.

Canon EOS 6D(a), Canon EOS R

Samyang 14mm, Sigma Art 24mm, Canon RF 35mm, Sigma Art 50mm, Sigma Art 85mm and Canon EF200-L
Lenses for Day and Night
Canon and Sigma Art

Moravian G3-16200 CCD Camera
My First CCD was a SBIG ST8300 which, unfurtanately was stolen in 2015. In 2016 I buyed a Moravian G3-16200.
The only mounts that I have ever owned where a Skywatcher EQ6, one of the very first ones back in 2003. I also owned a Losmandy G11, and also this mount was stolen in 2015 along with my telescope and CCD camera. Most images though were taken in an observatory I´m using now for 15 plus years, and on an astrofarm in Namibia. They are equipped with solid mounts, so I never really had a need to buy my own mount. I also use a little startracker, the I-Optron SkyGuider Pro for widefield images.

Me, operating the 24” Ganymed Telescope in its Dome
Capella Observatory
Since 2018 I am a member of the Capella-Team, a world wide known group of astrophotographers, taking pictures with the Ganymed Telescope. The Ganymed Telescope is a 24” hypergraph operated mostly in primary focus (due to seeing conditions) at a focal length of 1850mm (f2). The telescope is operated remotely in the Eifel National Park in Germany. Have a look at our homepage